At 33 weeks into the pregnancy Tuesday August 18th they did an ultrasound and Charity's head was at 40 weeks. Dr. McMahon said that she had to be delivered If we were not going to have a C-section. Ben and I had decided that we did not want to have a C-section because the risk of rupture of the cyst was not avoidable. It may or may not rupture either way and there was no statistics, since this was such a rare thing. That afternoon we went to a beach in Seattle, I didn't know that there was a beach in Seattle but Beky took us there and it was nice and warm and fun. We went back to the hospital to start the induction process...and a process it was.
They inserted cirvidil to soften and dilate my cervix, and that had to be in for 12 hours. Then in the morning i was barley 1cm dilated and not very soft. So we waited until 3pm Wednesday and they tried it again. Then they decided to strip my membranes and put me on pitocin Thursday around mid day. They stopped the pitocin at 3pm on Thursday and said that they would start it again early on Friday morning. I was maybe dilated to 2-3cm. They started the pitocin right on time 4am Friday morning.
Beky, Jeremy, my family and Ben's family came up. They were all so great and it was good that they were there, since I had been in the hospital for so long. With not a lot of rest(AKA the night shift blood pressure Natzi's). I had one consistent nurse Kat she was so nice, the others were great also. Around 7pm or so my contraction's were becoming a bit stronger and I might have been 5cm dilated. Dr. McMahon decided that Charity's head was not engaging because of the cyst and she wanted to drain it. Very hard decision since that could introduce pathogens, which could lead to infection. So we agreed, the procedure was successful. After that the contractions became stronger and I started to progress. Our family's decided to go back to there hotel's to get some rest (something that i needed very bad but that wasn't going to happen). Ben and Beky sort of dozed off and on, I tried also, however, contractions are not the best for rest! I did get to take a couple of baths which helped. At about 2am Saturday morning I could not handle life let alone contractions, so I decided to get an epidural while the team was not busy. So glad I did. Ben, however did was not doing well just a bit after my epidural he got sick and puked everywhere. Thank goodness Beky was there to take care of him since I was no longer able to move. Dr. McMahon came back in a 3 and checked me, she siad I was at 10cm, but asked me if I could wait while she went to do a C-section about 20min. I said I could, then she asked me to give a little push. So I gave a little push and then she left. She shouldn't have asked me to push, because then I needed to push. I delivered Charity Ann at 4am and she "BREATHED"....AMEN!
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