Sunday, April 11, 2010


So I have been so excited to give Charity her first food. She hasn't really been ready until now at 7 1/2 months old. So I have been preparing homemade baby food and trying to decide what foods should be Charity's first foods. After reading some websites about feeding and getting lots of advice from other moms I decided to start her on oatmeal, just for the learning how to eat part and then starting some mild vegetables.
The first bite of good...and she didn't really eat any of it and was not enjoying this first experience of food. Next day I tried it good with worse faces and crying after the 5th try with a spoon full of oatmeal. Hmm...what do I do now, Charity does not what to learn how to eat. Some more advice seeking. Try this and that and oh we did this oh maybe add this (use your imagination, I am sure you have your own two cents to add). After all this advice, well I tried the oatmeal for the third day, the same as before. Same reaction, no better and maybe a bit worse. So only 3 days into feeding and we both want to stop. So I know that the rule is to wait at least 5 days before trying a new food, but I just couldn't see her face do the same thing again and I want it to be a positive experience not a negative one. So the on the forth day of feeding I gave her sweet potato's. She kind of did the same mouth movements(probably the learning process of eating and not sucking), but she did not make those horrible faces and didn't cry and she actually ate half of the amount I had in the bowel. Now I consider that success and we will be sticking with sweet potato's for a while until she gets eating down a bit better.
I did not realize that it could take a couple of months to teach her how to eat. I guess this is another way that God is teaching me patients. I am not the most patient person, especially when it comes to eating :)